Anugerah teristimewa. Cerita penuh warna. Harapan yang menyala agar masa depan yang bercahaya.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Suapan pertama
Monday, December 24, 2007
Khadijah: "Happy Birthday Kak Long Dina........"
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Kekasih gelapku
"kumencintaimu lebih dari apapun
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
kornea mata luka... ouchh!!!
- damaged or badly fitted contact lenses, as well as improper sterilization and leaving a lens in
- tiny objects and bits of debris, such as dirt, insects, or sand
- larger foreign objects, such as fingernails, toys, sheets of paper, balls and other sports gear, combs, or tree branches
It's important to see a health care provider or ophthalmologist as soon as possible after receiving a corneal abrasion, preferably within 24 hours, since untreated eye injuries can become seriously infected and may threaten your vision. Until you get yourself checked out, avoid the activity that caused the abrasion. If you think your eye's hurting from a contact lens, don't put the lens in again until a health care provider says it's okay to do so.
With the right treatment, corneal abrasions usually heal quickly, within 1 - 3 days, and are generally easy to deal with. A health care provider or ophthalmologist may first use harmless, fluorescent-staining eye drops and a special light to look for scratches. After examining you, s/he can remove any foreign objects remaining in the eye and prescribe treatments, including:
- antibiotic eye drops or ointment to prevent infection
- medicine to dilate the pupil and promote healing
- a temporary eye-patch to shield the cornea and minimize irritation
While some of these treatments may be available over-the-counter, make sure you see a health-care provider or eye-expert rather than attempt to treat yourself.
The health care provider might also suggest wearing sunglasses with ultraviolet (UV) light protection, to help minimize any discomfort while the cornea heals and/or to cover an eye-patch, if this is preferred.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Khadijah & Noni............
Permainan ala baru oleh Khadijah. Setiap kali pegang Noni dia akan cari bahagaian topi Noni. Happy sungguh dengan rekaan mainannya.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Alhamdulillah Khadijah nampak tangkas berjalan...
Kami ingin memanjangkan kesyukuran yg tidak terhingga kehadrat Ilahi di atas pencapaian puteri sulong kami Khadijah. Alhamdulillah dengan izinNYA jua serta berkat doa dan usaha yg tidak putus2 dan digabungi dengan sokongan daripada keluarga terdekat adalah antara penyumbang kepada perubahan diri Khadijah. Semoga Khadijah terus menerus cemerlang ke arah menuju masa depan yg terus gemilang. Amin..........dengan izinNYA.
Alhamdulillah: Tahniah Abang Naz......... Kak Yati.....
Alhamdulillah dan tahniah daripada kami sekeluarga kepada Abg Naz & Kak Yati setelah dianugerahi seorang puteri yg sihat dan Chomel! Eiiiiiiiii............. geramnya...... dgn pipi yg kemerahan.
Daddy: Khadijah........ tengok tu Pak Ngah dan Mak Ngah ada baby laaaaaa... Chomei chomei ala chomei chomei.........
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Kuih raya pun dah siap. Legaaaaaaaaa........
Aktiviti membuat kuih raya merupakan salah satu aktiviti penting hujung minggu ini. Belum apa2 malam ni dah 3 bijik "leow"....... Bertuah sungguh anak ku sorang nieh......................